My Blog List

December 17, 2010

B l o g R e v i e w.

I came across this site and thought it was really clever.
They go out and take pictures of everyday things that are everyday things you might encounter if you lived in the city. But the catch is, all of them have a hidden face in them. Hence, Urban Faces.

December 16, 2010


Here's Finnegans. Or however you spell it.
Lawler's favorite hang out. I know.. What. A. Loser.

December 13, 2010

Stupid Stupid Blog Update.

I'm basically doing nothing with my life. Except for editing yearbook pages. Which is going to be the death of me. But nbd. 

December 10, 2010

Check Him Out.

Tom Hoops. He's quite the photographer. He he's a freelance photographer that does a lot of portraits.

December 8, 2010

Here's a photo.

Err, her favorite sea creature in the jelly fish. She said she wanted a new profile picture. So she helped out with my project. Painting with light w/ sea creatures + Kerri = THIS. Critique me?

December 6, 2010


There's nothing really new. I'm working on my yearbook page. Nothing really exciting. My life is a bit monotonous. Same ole same ole. Going to art club on Tuesday if I can make it because I have to take an early permitting test. :)

December 1, 2010

The Yearbook Cover:

I haven't really done the project yet...
Soooo, here's a random picture from a random project.

Here's the cover of the yearbook though: