My Blog List

April 25, 2011

^date meee.

My week in a nutshell:
1)Went to the mall with mi madre
2)Hung out with muh boyfran
3)Went to my aunt's house for Easteeeeer.


April 18, 2011


I didn't do much this weekend. I slept, I ate, I drove, and I watched a s#!+ load of tv.

April 13, 2011

April 11, 2011

Me, Update.

I had a good weekend :) Friday I napped. Saturday I had ice skating lessons and my family came over and we went to Chili's. and yesterday, I went on a date. <3 ;D

However, I didn't do anything artistic.

April 4, 2011


This Spring Break was probably the best one I had so far. I hung out with Chelsea twice and chilled the rest of the time. It seemed more productive while in the moment but looking back, I really did nothing. I went to ice skating lessons. I HATE waking up so early for it. I talked to new people though. That seems to be working out quite nicely.. so far. I tried working on my project for this class over break, however, I got distracted and kept putting it off. I swear I have ADHD.