My Blog List

March 23, 2011

Blog Review x2
Tycho is my idol. Period.
Oh and this man made the "I ♥ NY" logo.

Critique Me

Oh hey guys. I'm not done with this picture. Im gonna create a graphic design out of it. All it is right now is food coloring and water pictures.

March 21, 2011

Boring weekends.

Over the weekend I..
1) Talked to random people.
2) Slept in.
3) Went to ice skating lessons.
4) Worked on a safety study guide for 3 hours.
5) And stayed up too late on Sunday night.

March 14, 2011

Mondays Suck Turtles.

I slept from 4pm on Friday until 7:30am on Saturday. I went ice skating and that's all I did that's constitutes as "productive" on my weekend. Yesterday was probably the best day out of my weekend though, even though it was EXTREMELY odd. And I mean... SUPER DUPER UPER WEIRD.

March 7, 2011


Art conference was cool, ya dig? Even though no one from our school placed. Go Central, WOO! I really didn't get enough sleep this weekend. I never really do, which sucks. I'm glad I'm done with my art club project though. A lot of stess just left. :)